Serious stuff and not so serious stuff. I know, a PhD and a sense of humour, weird right?
Yes, I can spout academic waffle, corporate waffle and even occasionally a waffley nice script. [That won't make the second draft.] Reports, consultations, funding applications, reviews, cartoons, brochures...

Oh look, I won an award!

Yes I can carry out research, write accessible copy, edit copy and even come up with content for cartoons!

Academic bamboozling? Happy to.
Film, TV and Radio Scripts
2014 The Ging Gang Ganges - Heritage Arts Production Company (radio)
2012 The Ten Commandments (episode 2) - BBC Northern Ireland (TV)
2011 How Big Was Titanic? - Tourism Ireland (animation)
2011 Top Ten Titanic Legends - Tourism Ireland (multimedia)
2010 Waldorf Astoria Syon Park Hotel Installation - The Sound Agency
(sound installation)
2009 Katy and Anna - Northern Ireland Screen (feature film devt.)
2007 The Happiness Project - Channel 4 (multimedia)
2006 Relationships - Channel 4 (multimedia)
2002-5 Handheld History - English Heritage / London Evening Standard / Madame Tussauds (200+ short dramatisations read by Stephen Fry and Joanna Lumley for audio download)
2001 La Noche Buena - Granada International (TV series, development)
1999 Two Nice Girls - TAPS Showcase (Screenplay, BAFTA nominated)
It's drama, darling! Well, actually, more comedy-drama but for all platforms... I'm really not that fussy.